A special thanks to Grasiela Rodriguez who organized the entire event and with whom we were lucky enough to share a table with. She was promoting her first comic "Lunatic Fringe". It was nice being next to someone who is just starting out like us.
We saw a lot of familiar faces including my recent DIY comic instructor Javier Hernandez creator of El Muerto. He had some awesome sketch dolls of his character and others. I was lucky enough to pick up one of the first at geek con. I am looking forward to hearing his latest Podcast "Javiland"!
I was able to talk to Sherm Cohen a character designer I only recently discovered and now greatly admire. He showed me his sketch book that was filled with the most beautiful character drawings. I also hit up Jim Lujan and talked to him about Ghettomation. I scored an awesome freekdaddy poster, which is one of my favorite animations by Jim. There were so many others, some I met before, others I met for the first time. It's really great being in a community of like minded creatives.
Art Lopez finished off the event with a great live painting of his sculpture.
I can't wait for next year. It was a good start for us. Now it's time to get ready for the Long Beach Comic Con!